Collective Impact in Tompkins County started with the Building Bridges Initiative in late 2011, which defined a vision for “A socially just and ecologically sound, sustainable local economy in the Tompkins County Region.” The Collective Impact approach is one part of achieving this goal. Collective Impact in Tompkins County, NY is subdivided into several initiatives and working groups, listed below.
Tompkins County Cradle to Career Collective Impact initiative is a collective group of over 70 schools, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and community groups. We have come together to ensure that all youth and their families are supported to be successful at every stage of development, from pre-birth to age 24. This means that they are physically and emotionally healthy, active in their communities, and on track for employment at a living wage.
The Tompkins County Childhood Nutrition Collaborative is dedicated to the continuous improvement of the Tompkins County food system. We seek to create a food environment where no infant, child, or adolescent faces obstacles to making the healthy, nutritious food choices that will support the realization of their full potential.
The Ithaca Green New Deal Collective Impact Initiative is intended to support the City of Ithaca’s goal to achieve carbon neutrality community-wide by 2030. This will be achieved considering the history of economic inequality and racial injustice faced by certain local communities by ensuring benefits are shared among all local communities.
The Tompkins Food Task Force (or the Tompkins County COVID-19 Food Task Force) was formed to coordinate a county-wide response to emerging health, food, and nutrition needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. The task force was separated into health & communication, distribution, and production teams. The Distribution Working Group is currently the only active group.